Wednesday 27 July 2016

The Anything Machine and Other Stories

The Anything Machine and Other Stories is a book with four stories that can be described as weird science fiction and fantasy.  Whatever one wishes to call it, each story tells a human story.  No matter where in the universe humans are, they will still be humans, with human emotions and human ways of doing things.

Visit an ABANDONED HOUSE that Egan quickly finds out is actually a camouflaged time machine.  He gets the classical offer that he can't refuse.  The offer: To use the machine to go anywhere in time he wishes.  Can he contemplate the offer and discuss it with his family?  Yes, of course.  He can take his time doing it, there is no rush.  When he comes back, the time machine will be there, waiting on him.  If he don't want to take the offer, well no harm done, he will be the one who loses out.  The price.  Ah, that is a bit stiff, but still affordable.

Help to build the ANYTHING MACHINE with Blaze and see the results.  Just type what you want in on the keyboard and the machine makes it for you.  Whether it is the latest laptop or a set of magic paintbrushes.  The machine can make anything that his owner wish for.  But the big question is: is anything really ever for free? 

Then a young girl is abducted into another dimension, where she is kept in an ALIEN ZOO as an exotic animal.  She quickly learns that this is her home for life and any attempts at escape are futile.  She also learns that she is the only female-human currently in the zoo and mating season is getting very close.  The males have been locked up for a very long time and they are hungry...

Finally, we move right into dream on a SUNDAY morning.  In such a dream strange things can happen and usually does.

Read it here.  Immediately available